News and Insights

Mercury Day Marketing astrology Apr 07, 2021

View Part 1 of this series here.

Who Was Mercury (Hermes)?

Mercury (Hermes in the Greek pantheon) was the son of Jupiter (Zeus). He was the messenger of the gods, the herald, and he protected all the human messengers as well...that's you! He wore winged sandals and could quickly move across...
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Mars Day Marketing astrology Mar 30, 2021
Today is the day to get stuff done! There's so much to do though! What should we do on Mars day? Let's take a second and learn what Mars represents. Understanding the archetype of this famous god is a great place to start.

Why Was Mars Important?

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Marketing Tips For Each Day Of The Week- Part 1 astrology Mar 11, 2021

What the best day to launch a new blog post? What's the best day to sell your new course? When are good days for client meetings vs planning what's next?

In this series of posts, we'll look at each day of the week and its historical/astrological significance to help put context around what's...

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