News and Insights

Money Magic With Phenix The Rainbow Warrior money Jul 02, 2021
Phenix Rose is a truly magical creature. She's powerful and productive in so many realms. We spoke with her about money magic and how she's moving people through portals of poverty to auras of abundance. Watch the full interview here:
Here are some notes and...
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Copywriting Tips From Anna Bellissima at Needle & Hook blogging Jun 30, 2021
Anna Bellissima is an award-winning copywriter and magician who conjures, creativity, self-expression, and confidence from deep within people. We spent an hour discussing these topics on a live Facebook interview (watch the full video here: where she transmitted a...
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5 Marketing Tasks You Can Do From Anywhere Apr 13, 2021
Sometimes we just want to focus on our clients or our product. Sometimes we're drowning in un-sexy tasks like accounting or payroll or navigating government bureaucracy. Sometimes, marketing is the furthest thing from our minds. Other times, we're not sure what to do to help our marketing at any...
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Mercury Day Marketing astrology Apr 07, 2021

View Part 1 of this series here.

Who Was Mercury (Hermes)?

Mercury (Hermes in the Greek pantheon) was the son of Jupiter (Zeus). He was the messenger of the gods, the herald, and he protected all the human messengers as well...that's you! He wore winged sandals and could quickly move across...
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Mars Day Marketing astrology Mar 30, 2021
Today is the day to get stuff done! There's so much to do though! What should we do on Mars day? Let's take a second and learn what Mars represents. Understanding the archetype of this famous god is a great place to start.

Why Was Mars Important?

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Moon Day Marketing Mar 22, 2021

View Part 1 of this series here.

Moon day (Monday) is the most dynamic day of the week as there are easier to perceive variables. Beyond being a day about the moon, what phase is the moon currently in? How does that sway the energy of the day and what can you harness about this day for your...

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What Should I Blog About? blogging seo Mar 19, 2021

Blogging may sound like a massive, complicated, and frustrating process. On the other hand, maybe you LOVE blogging and can't stop writing. Blogging is an important marketing activity and it's worth paying attention to what you write. Yes, it should be about your topic but some key terms and...

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Marketing Tips For Each Day Of The Week- Part 1 astrology Mar 11, 2021

What the best day to launch a new blog post? What's the best day to sell your new course? When are good days for client meetings vs planning what's next?

In this series of posts, we'll look at each day of the week and its historical/astrological significance to help put context around what's...

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Facebook: Should I Have A Business Profile Or A Personal One? facebook Feb 26, 2021

This is a frequent question from people just starting out. Maybe you have a Facebook presence where you talk about your offering and people know you as offering that. Do you still need a business page? Maybe your offering IS you. Do you still need a business page? The answer to both is, yes!


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Human Design and Marketing human design personas Feb 22, 2021

When I first read about my Human Design I was stunned. Mostly, I was excited to have new language that explained things I sensed but didn't previously have words for. More than anything, this related to my deep dislike of sales. More on that later.

What is Human Design?

According to The Jovian...

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4 Quick Blogging Tips Feb 14, 2021

What is blogging?

So many sites have blogs attached now that it's tough to discern them from anything else. When they first started popping up, blogs were long-form written content with a comment section. The entire site was a blog filled with articles about a specific topic. There was a time...

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Hello World! meta Feb 14, 2021

We're here!

Welcome to our site and our blog.

This project is a labor of love that flowed through authentic sharing and caring for friends in these communities. I had been working for large clients including charities, causes, experts, and startup companies but I was billing out at rates my...

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